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Partitions that create rooms: these dividers made of glass and black steel are an attractive solution to divide areas and form kitchens, bedrooms or living rooms and so much more. Partitions that make quiet retreats while producing an airy atmosphere. The style is intended to resembled old industrial windows which produce lofty spaces even with limited space - in the industrial style.

Even though these stylish room dividers have been used in architecture for about 100 years, MWE has combined the old look with new technology.

mit Ihren Ideen, Wünschen und Anregungen


Even with a predominantly open floor plan, one would like, for example in the bedroom, privacy is not a thing of the past, or a quiet workplace is important: the MW01 dividing wall system makes you feel like a structure, but the comfort and openness remain intact. Black metal does not only fit into modern facilities in industrial style, but projects which combine the new with the old also benefit from the possibilities of the separating wall system.

Through the use of aluminum, the system is brought into modern times by being light weight and designed to overcome imperfect scenarios it is possible to use state-of-the-art door technology, including door hinges and sliding door technology.

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